Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Wednesday, June 24, 2015
This guy is set to fill in the empty space on Colin's sleeve-- meaning in between the gentleman bull/ fish-hand/ cuttlefish I've been working on with him. Photos are below in earlier posts. 
The tail will go between the Bull and Fish, wrapping up and over his elbow. Should be a pretty badass one when it's done. All of this is just "Do whatever floats your boat, Alpal" which is pretty tight. The globe in this is loosely based off of a piece Cody Eich just did-- I really dug the idea and made it my own lil orb desert. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The jaw tattoo was one of my favorites in a while- I'd love to do more anatomical etchings

Half way into it, stopped for now.

When your friend's window makes your knees tingle

Elijah's mantis friend. His skin was amazing- it soaked up the ink like a sponge and never even became irritated or red. It's healing like a dream, too.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A few days after the first session, Shelby came back for the little fox boy partner. A little different than my usual work. Next is color!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday, June 1, 2015
Also, if you want faster updates, the best way is my instagram. I forget to update on here fairly often (hence the billion updates today), but the link to my gram is down in the bottom left of this page, and the handle is _alpal. Peace for now, ya'll.

Colin again and again!

Little cuttle fish filler between the gentleman bull and the hand/fish. He just lets me do whatever the fuck I want, and I love it. Next: the inside of the arm. 

Shelby's kiddies

This afternoon we start the fox boy, and next is color. Refreshing little tattoos-- getting to do something a lil different n shit.
 Slowly working on a cover-up of a very old half sleeve. We covered ugly roots with a little sleeping fox, and added new life to some sad, sad birds (pictured below in their original form). Still LOTS to do!

 This was a special one. It's the Schrodinger's cat for my long-time friend, Crystal. She and I met when we were 11, and I knew her cat, Pandy, who this is a little tribute to. Super fun with the sketchiness! And after we celebrated with donuts and a little brunch. Boom.

Liz B.

 This was a challenging one- the first time my hand ever cramped. Lines within lines within lines!
It was a really fun design, however. She asked for a fern, as well as some sort of jewelry-type drippy aspect. So this is where I went. She's now going to use it as her logo for her jewelry company!


These are all goodies that are currently being worked on, are about to be worked on, or are yet to be claimed.

 An etched lighthouse half-sleeve from Maine for one of Indy's coffee geniuses, Stephen of Tinker.

Frida for sometime in August! She's flying in from Portland.

Little butterfly for an arm.
 This image is just doodles and goodies, nothing claimed yet! If you're interested, just shoot me an email! Really would love to do more color work.
 Bits of Maia's mythological half-sleeve. This little guy is set for Monday. (He's only around 6"!)
A first draft of a piece we are working on to go with a previous tattoo (the red outline) of a death's head moth. Lots of work to be done transforming this idea.